Dedicated Hunters

Check your progress

Use this tool to monitor your progress while in the Dedicated Hunter Program. Keep in mind:
  • Volunteer service credit may take up to two weeks to be entered into the system.
  • A harvest is added to your account at the same time your Dedicated Hunter deer permit is printed for the year. If you don't harvest, you'll return the permit to a DWR office to have it removed from your account.
  • The education requirement is an online training course that you should take after you join the program, within your first year.

To review your records or to pay for service credit online, enter your customer ID and date of birth to access your account.

Purchasing service credit
Dedicated Hunter service credit may be purchased instead of doing the actual service projects. The rate, as of July 1, 2023, is $40 per hour.
Purchased hours are immediately entered into your account. To purchase service credit instead of doing volunteer service, select the amount of credit from the dropdown box below and click Purchase selected hours.

How many hours* would you like to purchase?

* This online payment tool allows you to purchase the number of hours you need only for the current year. If you want to purchase more service credit hours than is required for the current year, you will need to contact a DWR office directly.

For questions about your account, please contact your nearest DWR office or

Volunteer history